Have you ever thought you’d like to buy and sell houses but didn’t know how or where to get the money?
Are you so busy making a living you can’t take time to make any real money?
Can you retire on what you have set aside, if any, and live comfortably while not depending on the government to be there if you need them?
If you don’t like your answers, this report will show you how I make an income from nice homes in beautiful neighborhoods needing no repairs and using none of my own money or credit.
What’s more, I don’t buy foreclosures, do short sales, renovate houses, borrow money, use my credit in any way, nor do I have a real estate license or any need to deal with banks, lenders or Realtors®…and I spend less than six hours a month running the entire business while owning several other businesses simultaneously.
Part Time Business – Full Time Income
You are about to see how my part-time business produces a nice income, but more importantly to you it’s a business you can enter with no previous experience and start profiting quickly…
Earn while you learn…and all the automation and systemization you need is already set up for you so you hit the ground running…like many of my clients all over North America.
My name is Ron LeGrand, and I’m the world’s leading expert at quick turning houses. I’m in my 33rd year of buying and selling over 3,000 to date and still do 4-6 a month with a total staff of one personal assistant using part of her time for my real estate business. Googling me could keep you busy for hours. My story is at the end of this report if you care.
Let’s get to what I do and how I can help you do it too.
But before I layout the business, I’ll ask you to turn off your bullshit meter for a few minutes. I know you’re skeptical and you should be. So am I. The whole world is full of crap and you can believe little of what you hear.
You can also believe I’m a tell-it-like-it-is guy, so in full disclosure, at the end of this report I’ll be asking you to exchange a little of your money for a life changing education from a battle scared veteran of 33 years who has helped people from all over the world. If that bothers you, this report isn’t for you. It will be of no value.
OK, if you’re still in, let’s get started.
You Only Get One Check
If you don’t keep working, you don’t get paid.
I like to get paid whether I’m working or not. How about you?
If you want to replace your job or profession…like many of my clients have…the best way to do so is monthly revenue you can count on even if you’re sick, on vacation or just don’t want to work.
Now add that to a one time check you receive up front every time you do one of these deals…I do about 4 a month…and you can begin to see why any job is a waste of your time.
Stay with me. You promised to turn off your bullshit meter. It’s all true and easy for me to prove, and yes, it applies to you and works in your city.
We work with sellers who will sell with terms so we can offer terms to our buyers.
You see, 81% of people looking to buy a house can’t qualify at a bank for various reasons. These become our prime pool of buyers because we can sell them a house on terms giving them time to fix what’s broke in their lives and ultimately get bank financing.
That could be credit, debt ratio, not enough down, self-employed, can’t prove income yet or several other issues. All of which can be fixed with time.
A house becomes ten times easier to sell with terms than with cash, therefore we have the whole 81% to ourselves, while the Realtors® and builders fight over the 19%.
Some of that 81% have substantial down payments or option deposits measuring in the thousands and they will gladly give it to you to get a home of their own.
Many have had a home and lost it. Some are first or last time buyers. All have issues that can be fixed in a year or two. You are a blessing to them when you help them get in a home now and get their life and self-confidence back.
I’ve had buyers hug me with tears flowing, send me gifts, invite me over for dinner and openly thank God I came into their life. What we do is a huge public service, both to buyers and sellers.
By the way, everything is closed with attorneys…at the buyer’s expense…with full disclosure in writing. No lies, deceit or shady practices are necessary or condoned by this old dog.
There are only two types of terms you will use to buy houses…
You’ll lease it with an option to buy and the right to sublease it with an option.
You’ll buy it with owner financing with the right to sell it any way you like. More on that in a minute.
Before I go any further, I know your skeptical brain is asking…
How Many Sellers Will Agree To TERMS?
Fair Question. Let me give you the answer.
It just so happens we have 16 virtual assistances at our company Global Publishing, whose job is to call sellers for our clients and collect info on their houses for sale. They find the sellers who advertise online in your city, call them for you, collect the facts and read a script to see if they would consider selling with terms…lease option or owner financing.
They make about 15,000 calls a month to the leads they generate and the leads you send them so we know the numbers well and here’s the one that answers your question…
You read that right. About a fourth of the FSBOs on the market will consider terms. This group comprises our entire Pretty House Business and we have no use for the rest, so they are quickly discarded.
It’s easy for our inexpensive VAs to generate 10-15 leads a week for our clients. That means 3-4 sellers a week want to discuss terms. From those you can often generate one deal netting you $10,000 minimum on the frontend and maybe some of that residual income I discussed earlier.
In the Pretty House Business, there are three main forms of income.
Non-refundable option deposits if you’re selling with a lease purchase or a down payment if you’re selling with owner financing. The minimum is typically $10,000 and you receive it 2-3 days after accepting your tenant buyer.
Many deals have a monthly spread between the rent or payment you receive and the payment you make. These can range from $200 – $3,000 per month on the luxury homes.
The backend profit, which is the difference between what your buyer owes you and what you owe the seller. This can be little or nothing or a substantial sum.
Our goal is to do deals that include all three income streams but sometimes we settle for only one, as you’re about to see.
The numbers and the seller’s needs will determine our profit centers. Virtual Assistants do 90% of the work and scripts help you do the rest.
You lease it to a tenant with the option to buy and collect several thousand dollars as a non-refundable deposit…which gets applied as their down payment when they get a loan to purchase. Once you collect the money, it’s yours to keep whether they buy or not. You may use it immediately.
The tenant/buyer also agrees to pay the attorney fee and a monthly rent and a term of 1 – 3 years for them to get financed, plus they are responsible for all repairs.
You sell with owner financing, collecting a down payment and a monthly payment until they get refinanced. You agree on a term going in and of course all responsibility of the house is theirs. The minimum down payment is $10,000 but most are higher depending on the value of the homes. The higher the value, the bigger the down.
“The More Dollars You Waller In The More Stick To You” – Ron LeGrand

Let me display some case studies so you can get clear on what I mean.
Here’s a deal I did recently in Jacksonville, Florida where I live…
Market Value: $385,000
Loan Balance: $351,000
Payment: $1,925
The sellers were moving from this 3 year old house in two weeks and knew they couldn’t make two house payments. The house was in excellent condition and payments were current. Upon first contact with our VA who collected the facts, the sellers said they’d sell the house for what they owed, which is actually very common.
Their main concern was debt relief. They’d had it listed and it didn’t sell, so they needed an immediate exit strategy, which I knew I could provide after making a call to them. I made it clear I could buy their house with owner financing and make their payment until sometime in the future when it gets cashed out, but there’s no way I’d pay off their loan now.
No TERMS – No Deal!
They agreed instantly and we executed a simple agreement on the spot. I asked for and received two months before the first payment was due so I had two months to locate a buyer I liked.
My goal from the beginning was to buy or control the house for the loan balance and then install a tenant/buyer to pay rent and in time get a new loan. That’s exactly what happened.
After turning down several applicants because they didn’t have a big enough option deposit to suit me, I finally found one in seven weeks with $50,000 down. I turned down several with $10,000 to $25,000 down, knowing the house would bring more.
Here’s the numbers…
Sales Price: $395,000
Non-refundable option deposit: $50,000
Rent to me: $2,500
Term: 2 years
It was a family with good income, both working and their credit was near a score good enough to get a loan but maybe six months away. They are working with a good credit repair company and will be ready soon.
Frankly, I’m in no hurry. Here’s why!
I made…
$50,000 cash the day they leased the house
$525 per month until they buy it
($2,500 rent minus $1,925 payment)
The longer this Golden Goose stays alive, the better I like it.
FYI, the tenant buyers are responsible for 100% of any repairs needed. It’s a condition of all my options and has been for 30 years.
So let’s see…I netted $50,000 in 2 months and $525 a month for two years or so with…
No credit
No banks
No repairs
No short sales
No money
No Realtors
No loans
No costly entanglements
How many of these deals would you need to surpass your current income? My friend, it's my goal to have you doing one a month part-time within 90 days if you say yes to my offer at the end of this report. I won’t promise you fifty grand, but I will say $10,000 is our bare minimum and we get that on $125,000 houses.
By the way, if my tenant buyer doesn’t buy and moves, their deposit is non-refundable. They won’t get it back and they wouldn’t expect to.
About half do move and forfeit their deposits when smaller amounts from $10,000 to $25,000 are accepted. I’m sure this couple will buy.
But, there’s other ways to profit in this Pretty House Business and this report won’t cover all of them.
Here’s a simple deal my client Kirsti from Oregon did recently…
A seller agreed to lease option a house to her at $699,000 with a $7,000 deposit and a $7,000 monthly rent. That’s every dime the house was worth and Kirsti knew it. However, I trained her how to profit with no risk, so here’s what she did.
She clearly explained to the seller using my script that she would agree to her terms but would need to locate a tenant buyer she liked before the agreement would begin.
In other words, the seller knew if Kirsti didn’t find a buyer, there would be no deal or $7,000 deposit from Kirsti. Nor would Kirsti ever pay a $7,000 rent out of pocket.
No Risk To Kirsti
Once this agreement was signed with this clear understanding, Kirsti ran some free online ads to find a buyer. The key words in the ad were…”Lease Purchase,” No Bank Qualifying.”
A tenant buyer came along with $50,000 down and agreed to a 3 year lease purchase at $744,000 at $7,000 a month.
Since there was no reason for Kirsti to remain in the deal, she simply assigned her agreement with the buyer to the seller and exited…with her
$42,000 Net Profit
…on a house she never owned or laid a finger on.
This type of deal is called ACTS, (Assignment of Contracts and Terms System).

I created ACTS about 3 years ago and it has made a lot of students a lot of money, even on over leveraged houses
Let me point out…
The seller got full price with no commission, even though it will take a while to cash out. This was her decision. In the meantime, she collects $7,000 a month with no repair responsibility.
The buyer got a beautiful house with instant access and three years to qualify for a loan and the value to increase.
Kirsti got $42,000 for what she knows, not from what she invested.
My Pretty House TERMS Cash Flow system contains everything she needed to pull off this deal, including forms, agreements and scripts for every type of seller and buyer.
I have many examples of deals students have done…but at this point, I think you’ve read enough to see this business is worth your time to investigate and my brand new TERMS system will answer your questions and fill in the blanks.
Before I describe it, I’ll make a bold statement to you that I truly believe and will back up.
You see, I built this system over years of trial and error and work with students nationwide to implement it. I see the results. I know its value.
Please consider my offer carefully. It may change the way you think about money, how to make it, how to keep and grow it and your current and future lifestyle.
It’s Hot Off The Press
Recently, I recorded a two day seminar called TERMS. I went through the entire business from beginning to end in a laymen’s step-by-step process.
Part of the training was to actually process deals the students brought to class. We called them in class, got orally accepted terms and completed the appropriate agreements for the students to go home and get signed. We even scheduled the appointment for them.
All of this was filmed and there are two videos in your system with live deal structuring. There was a lot of money generated for these lucky folks.
After the event I recorded several calls I made to sellers on two audios and included them. You’ll see how I get them to make me an offer by reading my own scripts and asking them the key questions.
Of course all scripts are included, even one to set an appointment and another if they say no to terms. You see…
There’s another two audios with questions and answers along with all the audio and videos of the training.
Here’s some of the things I covered in this new TERMS System.
With my Pretty House Cash Flow System you’ll learn how to get ownership of beautiful homes in neighborhoods you’ll be proud to be in. The system includes:
How to work with higher priced houses and totally avoid risk or the fear of making monthly payments you can’t afford. The higher the price the higher the profit.
A step-by-step start up plan designed for beginners who’ve never bought a house in their life.
There are two audios in this system where I interview real sellers and you get to hear both sides of the conversation. You’ll tune in while I pre-screen the sellers and when I hang up, I discuss whether I would go see the house or not. If it’s a go, I cover what kind of offers I’d make based on what the seller told me. If they pass my pre-screening test, I’ll go see the house. If not, why bother? The real art is in the pre-screening and knowing what to ask. It’s a 20-year craft I’ve perfected loaded with magic words that get results. You’ll get it all, complete with proven tested scripts to follow. You don’t need to create or write anything. I’ve done it all for you. Just follow each step I’ve laid out and watch it work. It’s literally dot-to-dot.
How to use land contracts and wrap-around mortgages to buy and sell and why they should be in every real estate entrepreneur’s toolbox.
Ten things that tell you it’s a deal…before you even see the house!
How to create solutions for houses with little or no equity that are financed sometimes even over 100%, and create tremendous profit centers for you while getting the seller out of a home nobody else can buy.
How to eliminate banks from your life forever so you’ll never be at the mercy of a loan committee.
How to create the most flexible financing there is with no banks or personal liability and create tremendous income streams for you.
How to set up immediate income, monthly cash flow, and a final payday all from the same deal.
This is how to get out of your job or low paying business. The frontend checks are great but I’ll work with you to create a monthly residual income from your current income. Then when you step down, you’re covered even if you don’t like working. That’s true financial freedom.
Low-cost marketing techniques to attract motivated sellers to call you and pre-screening tools so you only deal with the most motivated of the batch. And how to pre-screen them in less than two minutes.
The secret question to ask every seller to get to their bottom line price instantly.
How to structure your sale to create incoming payments and cash flow and eliminate defaults and risks.
How to attract dozens of motivated buyers who can’t qualify at the bank, but are excellent prospects for your no qualifying financing.
The most common mistakes for all investors to avoid when buying and selling.
Looking for a home for your family? Most of my students find their dream home while doing deals. Remember, the first example I showed you on the $395,000 house? I didn’t have to sell it. I could have moved in with no money out of pocket, no credit, no personal guarantee, no qualifying, no banks, no committees and no delay. Some do.
How to find and acquire your next residence in a lovely area without using bank loans, credit or down payments.
How to take control and start the cash flow with no risk or investment and make huge profits on nice houses even when you pay almost full retail price.
How to profit from any house, regardless of the underlying financing.
How to control lovely homes in beautiful neighborhoods in any market in North America without ever owning them, buying them, borrowing money, or incurring risk.
How to solve sellers’ problems when Realtors®, attorneys, and other real estate investors don’t have a clue.
Why properties sometimes financed at 90 to 120% are your absolute best deals and give you the best paydays.
How to handle and overcome all common seller objections.
How to build credibility and confidence with your seller from day one even if you’re new.
How to make sure you won’t have to make a monthly payment out of your pocket and never worry about risk again.
In each of this system, I spend many hours teaching you every aspect of this diverse, yet relatively simple business. There are dozens of word for word scripts so you’ll never have to wonder what to say.
Easy To Sell
One of the common things people fear about getting into real estate investing is they’re afraid they can’t sell the house and somehow they’ll get stuck with it. I can understand why this would create anxiety for a beginner because they simply don’t have enough facts to overcome the fear. But the truth is…
Selling Houses Should Be the Easiest Part of Your Business, and I’ll Show You How To Do It At Lightning Speed.
In an easy market it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to sell a house, but in a slow hard market it takes a unique selling proposition to move a property fast and furious. We have one. It’s called TERMS.
You Are The Loan Committee
You and you alone, decide and I’ll show you how to do exactly that and turn you on to our source that does all the screening for you after you find your best prospect. It’s the same source that will work with your buyers to clean up their credit and get them financed later.
My source will tell you when and if he can get them a loan, check their credit, background, criminal search and even compute their debt ratio, Your decision will be easy and my marketing system will provide you with multiple prospects to choose from.
When You Make A House Easy To Buy It Becomes Easy To Sell
Your buyers list is built automatically for you, so as your prospects call or go online, the pertinent information is collected, mainly how much they have to put down, and stored in your database we provide.
If you wish, we’ll even provide a VA (Virtual Assistant) to retrieve the information off your automated voice mail system that collects the information and call the buyers for you that have money and send them to the house, then follow up after.
This Information is Priceless When You Consider You’ll Be Selling Houses As Fast As You Can Buy Them! And 90% of the work is done by our Virtual Assistants.
But I’m not done yet…You’ll also learn:
How to handle the taxes and insurance and who should collect them and why. It isn’t you.
When you should never put someone in your house.
How to make your buyers the best source of buyers for your next house. Most of my houses are sold to friends or relatives of previous buyers.
How to get a financial commitment from a prescreened buyer without taking your house off the market. A special agreement I use will allow you to process five buyers on one house with no commitment to any of them. You get to pick and choose the best. If I’d had this agreement 20 years ago it would have saved me a lot of grief.
The 6 steps to getting your buyer to the closing table whether you’re selling with lease purchase or owner financing.
Stupid mistakes to avoid when selling houses. Each one probably cost me six figures to learn.
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could buy 2 or 3 houses a month and never get involved in the sales process and know your product is moving as fast as you can buy it?
My 33 years of Quick-Turning properties of all shapes and sizes, in all neighborhoods, with all kinds of financing and finagling, with all sorts of sellers and competing against all sorts of would-be investors and professionals, deals done with lots of cash to spare and some with very little spare cash to spend, deals in the winter, spring, summer, and fall, in good times and bad, in buyers’ markets and in sellers’ markets, all of this…over 3,000 deals in all, have given me insight in to what constitutes a complete deal from start-to-finish, and the absolute ability to convey to you more than just a grab-bag of techniques.
OK Ron, How Much?
My entire Pretty House TERMS Cash Flow Systems, a complete education in all the fastest and easiest to make money in real estate, at a total cost of just $1,497.
Wow Ron, That’s A Lot Of Money!
You might think $1,497 is a lot of money to spend for training materials, but let’s analyze it for a moment. The truth is you’ll spend that much whether you purchase my system or not. You see, there are really only three choices.
Your First Choice is to throw this letter away and do nothing. That’s the path of least resistance which many people take. And it’s why so many of them are broke. If you never launch your ship, it’ll never come back loaded with gold. By doing nothing, you’ll pay for my system many times over in lost income.
Your Second Choice is to try it on your own, without proper training. I know from experience you’ll make mistakes, and they’ll cost you many times the price of my system. It’s nearly impossible to avoid them!
The "School of Hard Knocks" is the most expensive tuition you can possibly pay and your chances of success is slim.
It’s Impossible To Learn What I Know Cheaper Than What I Charge.
By not using my scripts alone it’ll cost you more than what I’m asking on your very next deal because you don’t say the right things. How quickly could you exceed $1,497? In a heartbeat!
If a lack of training makes you offer too much for a house, the difference will be in the thousands. What if you miss out on a single deal because you didn’t know where to look, how to pre-screen or what to offer? Your loss will make my course cost seem miniscule.
Even if you only learn how to buy your next home for your family by eliminating banks, credit and down payments, that alone will be worth your investment. But, I assure you, you’ll get a lot more than that. In fact, you’ll get far more than $1,497 in value by the time you get through the first audio, plus I’ll even finance it for you.
You’ll Pay For My System Many Times Over If You Don’t Order It.
Your Third Choice is to order the entire Pretty House Cash-Flow Terms System today, and put the tools I give you to work. When you make that choice, not only will the cost become insignificant, you’ll be getting a huge payback – all because you chose to take action.
If you’ll do your part, we’ll do ours. Pick up the phone and call right now, you have everything to gain.
Yes, I know there are dozens of real estate courses on the market a lot cheaper than $1,497. Most of them are good stuff; some are junk. Most of today’s teachers were trained by me.
I don’t have anything bad to say about any of my so-called competitors. Some are friends of mine. They’re all real people and some actually buy a house now and then.
To be honest, if all you care about is saving a few bucks, it might be best you take the cheap seat first, and then come to me. I owe my competitors a debt of gratitude. They spend a fortune finding people who are interested in real estate and ultimately most make their way to me before it’s over.
Why? It’s simple. My stuff really works. I’m truly making millionaires.
You’re not buying a course, it’s a complete system. You’re buying into a family of movers and shakers all over the country that faced the same decision at one time you’re facing now…to pass or play.
If you honestly believe you’ll get a million dollar education for $179, buy their stuff. It’ll look pretty on your shelf. At least you saved some money.
If you want to generate real income with a proven system that’s thirty years in the making and has thousands of success stories…Come to Papa.
Yes, it costs a little more, but you’ll understand why when you get it. Gosh, they come with over 14 audios and 3 videos and systems manuals full of forms, scripts, objections and steps a layman can follow, daily support by phone and email, some bonuses and a challenge I’ll discuss in a minute, and of course no risk.
But just to make you feel at ease, here’s my unconditional guarantee…
Accept my offer and you have 30 days to return my Cash Flow System
for a 100% refund, if for any reason you don’t feel it’s for you. No reason needed, no questions asked.
There Is Absolutely No Risk
Well, I’ve made my case the best I know how. At this point you’re, either in or out. My life will pretty much go on the same regardless of your decision. How about yours?
Look, this isn’t a life threatening choice. No one will die. Frankly it’s just a small decision among many you’ve made today. I doubt the $1,497 will strain your budget, and I know it won’t make a major impact on mine.
I’m helping people all over America and I’ll continue to do it with you or without you. I learned a long time ago…only when the student is ready can the teacher appear.
So lets’ see…
You get my new Pretty House TERMS System.
You get a full refund if you feel it’s not for you
Tax Deductible…Oh, did I forget to mention? This system is tax deductible if this is your business. That means our good ole’ Uncle Sam, is willing to pay about a third of your investment. Check with your accountant on this, but what it comes down to is a 28% – 35% discount in tax savings since it’s a business expense. Ain’t that neat?
You are under no obligation to take me up on this offer, but be warned. You’ll not see this offer anywhere else ever again. I honestly believe I’ve just offered you a proven way anyone can earn a nice income in the real estate business…and I guarantee it.
To Your Success,
Ron LeGrand
P.S. There are undoubtedly things you want to do that your current job or business can’t provide. Maybe it embarrasses you or frustrates you to say “we can’t afford it” to your spouse and family. Maybe you secretly lose sleep worrying about not getting ahead year after year. What would you do with a significant income increase this year? And every year?
Would you pay off bills and make your family debt-free? Would you remodel the house, new kitchen, new carpet? Buy a new car, boat, even a second vacation home on the lake or in the mountains?
Set aside all the money for the kids’ college? Retire early? Help a family member in crisis?
Yes, I know the very idea of having substantial extra income a year sounds ridiculous, especially given my promise of needing no money or credit. But, my friend, it is very real and given the chance, I’ll prove it.
Look, you’re not going to get a $100,000 raise from your boss or your business. So where else could you possibly get this kind of pay increase.
The answer is nowhere, except PAPA.
What if I’m right? What if everything I’ve said here is true and you pass up the opportunity? I can assure you every word is true. Read the enclosed testimonials. Real people! Give me a chance to help you become one of them.
Forget about the cost and think about the value. Think about your family who depend on you to make the right decisions. Say yes before the window closes. I promise you’ll be glad you did.