If you have the natural talent and drive and determination to become a success in real estate, and maybe even a millionaire one day, we want to develop and perfect your skills in our exclusive Millionaire Mentoring Program.
This limited-access program unites eager, ready-to-learn students who need extra guidance and confidence with experienced, knowledgeable Mentors ready and willing to give constructive advice and expert opinions.
If you’re accepted into this program, your assigned Mentor will be there, time after time for six months, to give one-on-one, personal attention to you and your individual projects, prospects and problems.
In a short period of time, your Mentor will become someone you can reach out to who knows you as well as your business and goals.
A student-mentor relationship can segue into a life-long friendship and career-long, professional contact.
Do I Really Need A Mentor?
I have to admit, I am slightly jealous of the opportunity you have in front of you now.
Between my own mistakes and those I have heard time and time again from other people, I have discovered the 11 most common reasons why people don’t succeed at this business, and every one of them has been detrimental to countless careers.
Fear of the unknown, lack of focus, and listening to dream stealers are just a few of these career killers. In between these major pitfalls, there are also many more reasons that, while not fatal, can still wound your cash flow.
That’s why I started the Millionaire Mentoring Program to transform raw, yet misused, potential into real profits and turn missed opportunities into money-making deals.
In this merciless economic time that’s left so many people struggling in financial crisis I want to ensure my students have the very best odds at achieving every ounce of wealth and success they deserve.
Can you make money in this business without a Mentor? Probably, but I guarantee you will pay the price throughout your career.
Everyone can benefit from the guiding hand of a seasoned Mentor.
I’ve seen real estate students from all different backgrounds and from all over the country apply to the program for reasons as different as they are.
While some are brand new to this business and looking for someone to help them set their goals and reach their potential, others have experienced several transactions already but want the constant guidance needed to get the most from every deal and take their real estate business to the next level.
Regardless of where you are in your career, I am confident that my skilled Mentors can further you along to places you might not have even imagined yet.
There Is A Difference Between Skilled Mentors And Just Anyone Willing To Give You Advice

I’ve learned that, for better or worse, people are more than willing to give you their advice, and often their $.02 is worth just that. I’ve also discovered that trusting in the wrong people can be even more detrimental to your career than having no guidance at all.
Our Mentors and this program are here to give you the opportunity to solicit advice from those proven worthy by the real estate industry, their peers and, most importantly, me. Our Mentors aren’t retirees who’ve been away from the business for years and are looking to pad their social security checks, and they aren’t MBA graduates with no real-world experience.
They’re all successful professionals currently involved in the real estate business whose up-to-date knowledge, advice and opinions are based on their understanding and first-hand experience in the current market and its patterns and behaviors. I personally select each Mentor based on wide, strict criteria.
Since our Mentors are all successful, real estate professionals, we limit each of their student loads to a 15-student maximum.

What’s Expected Of You As A Mentoring Student
We expect a lot out of the students who are accepted into our Millionaire Mentoring Program, because we know that by becoming one of our mentoring students, they have an opportunity of a lifetime.
Chances like this shouldn’t be taken for granted or, even worse, wasted. In this program, students are held just as accountable for their success, if not more so, than their Mentors. Your Mentor and this program is directly related to what you give.
While your Mentor will certainly be your resource for answers, solutions and focused directions, you’re the only one with the power to put those resources to good use in your business.
Every Mentor in the program knows the detailed series of steps you need to take to succeed because they have taken them personally in their own careers. While none of these steps will require much of your time, I assure you each is important to reaching your ultimate goal.
Welcome To Your Opportunity
When it comes down to it, this is your business and your life, and it is only fitting that the decisions that affect them both are also yours.
However, entering into our Millionaire Mentoring Program can be one decision you make that can give you guidance, reassurance and maybe even inspiration as you make other important decisions down your path to success and, most importantly, your financial freedom.
NOW, is your opportunity – Seize it! Don’t wait weeks, months or years from now to ask yourself what you could have done differently or wonder what you could have achieved. Know, without a doubt, that you have taken hold of your career and given yourself every chance to succeed.
If you do your part, you’ll have the checks to prove it! If you’re interested in joining the Millionaire Mentoring Program and becoming a success like the people in the testimonials featured here, complete and submit the application below, and one of my highly qualified success advisors will contact you regarding your enrollment status in the near future.
To Your Success,

Ron LeGrand
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, anyone can apply, but enrollment is limited. We won’t allow our Mentors to aid more than 15 students at a time to ensure everyone gets the dedicated attention they deserve.
If your application is accepted, you should be able to continue working a day job while enrolled in the Millionaire Mentoring Program. However, it is your personal preference whether you want to use what you learn in the program to replace your current income or an additional income stream. Either way, you will need to be prepared to manage your time wisely.
If you plan on running your real estate business together with your spouse or business partner, there is no need to submit a separate application, but please be sure to include their information on your application. In the event you and your spouse or partner are looking to working separately within the industry, please submit two individual applications.
While every student and situation is unique, many of our mentoring students complete their first deal and receive their first check within 30 days of being accepted into the Millionaire Mentoring Program.
“First of all, I would like to say that the mentoring program has made all the difference in my business, and has really given me the confidence to move to the next level and beyond, and there’s no stopping me now.
Beau’s coaching has been nothing short of incredible, and I greatly appreciate and value his knowledge, expertise and advice. He allows me to formulate my exit strategies, and then makes me aware if there is something I have overlooked, or didn’t think of.
His confidence, support, patience, and knowledge have allowed and helped me to tackle deals that I would have missed without mentoring. Beau is an incredible mentor and I really can’t recommend the coaching program enough.
If you are serious about your Real Estate business and really want to succeed, the mentoring program will allow you to reach your goals so much quicker than going it alone… I can’t begin to say how incredibly grateful I am to Ron LeGrand for all the education and techniques in Real Estate that he has taught and shared in his courses throughout the years.
His insight and commitment into always providing the best for his students never ends, and extends through everyone who works with him. Even today, with the turmoil of the economy and Real Estate markets, Ron is constantly adapting and sharing with his students the latest techniques and strategies that allow them to succeed.
Learning and implementing Ron’s programs, and following his advice and teachings has allowed me to change my life forever, for which I am eternally grateful… If you are reading this, then you are fortunate to have been exposed to Ron LeGrand’s teachings.
I can’t recommend strongly enough for you to grasp this knowledge, and put it into action as quickly as possible. It is absolutely life changing, and has afforded me the opportunity to change life for my family and I, for the better, forever.
Ron’s information coupled with my mentor, Beau Ethridge, allowed me the ability to assess the deals and exit strategies, and go after the good ones (some of which I would have missed otherwise). They will get you where toy need to go as quickly as possible, as long as you are willing to put in the effort.
I am so very grateful to Ron LeGrand and to Beau Ethridge for sharing their vast knowledge, teachings, and expertise; and for their support and guidance. With following and implementing Ron’s teachings, you can be just a step away from achieving your financial freedom and dreams.
Thank you so very much Ron, and thank you Beau, for your guidance.”
Student: Carolyn Francis
Mentor: Beau Ethridge
“So I’m sitting here in my home office with Ron’s bumper stickers (“The Less I Do, The More I Make” and “Don’t Listen To The Morons, Listen to More Ron”) at eye level, and I thought I would take time from my 24/7 obsession with real estate to send you all at Global a note from LA Land.
I’ve been working at this real estate business for some time now, and, like a lot of investors, I’m still trying to figure out what works here and how to make it work for us. Yes, I know real estate works anywhere, but discovering the kind that works best in my backyard, how to find it and do the best deal possible is my goal.
That’s why my husband and I signed for mentoring. Now that was a smart move. Mentoring wasn’t our top priority at the time, although I did think it would be a good idea.
I don’t know what happened, but I decided at the last QTRE Boot Camp that my best and last chance to make this real estate business work was mentoring. And somehow I also instinctually knew that I could work with these people and together success would be ours.
We’ve been in the mentoring program for some time now and we can’t tell you how pleased we are with the mentor’s responses, guidance and support. Those once-a-week phone calls are really a lifesaver. They can find gold in garbage and show us the garbage in what we thought was gold.
And I can’t tell you how reassuring it is to know that when we have a question or an issue and send off an e-mail or fax, they respond in an amazingly short time. (I’m sure they’re not standing by the fax machine waiting for our faxes, but it sure seems that way.)
I don’t know how they manage to keep everything straight, but they not only have a handle on what we’ve done during the week, but also everything else we talked about on the phone and suggestions for the next week.
And just when my spirits are at their lowest – there’s Lynette on the other end of the line, “Hi, guys! How’s it going?Her enthusiasm should be traded on the stock market.
I can’t say for sure if we would still be ‘in the game’ if it hadn’t been for my mentor, but I can tell you that you made one of the best decisions in Global history to get them on board as mentors.
It sure was the best decision we made to join their team. We’re still trying to discover what works here and what works with us. I am so looking forward to calling up Dennis one Tuesday morning and announcing that, ‘YES! Ron was right! It DOES work here!’ Wall of Fame – here we come.”
Students: Pamela Baergen & Alain Carpenter