Demystifying AI for Real Estate Investors Offer
AI for REI Live Virtual Workshop
Live and interactive event, held virtually.
- Get real-world strategies for using AI for your real estate investing business
(Even if you don’t know the first thing about AI) - Learn new and innovative tools to generate more leads, increase your brand, and get more deals.
- Be a “first mover” in the world of AI, so you don’t get left behind.
- Stay up-to-date with all AI advancements because the technology moves so fast!
$1,988 VALUE
And when you reserve your seats today you’ll also receive…
Bonus: AI for REI Volume 1
- Get access to the training from our first AI for REI Workshop.
- Different tools, strategies and techniques that won’t be covered in our July Workshop
- Instant access, so you get up-to-speed with the limitless opportunities with AI for your real estate investing business
Bonus: AI for Business Summit Volume 1
- Get recordings for our first AI for Business summit.
- Discover AI for any type of entrepreneur (Not just real estate)
- We open up the floodgates of tools and tricks to use in your marketing, sales and advertising.
50% Off Webinar Discount Plus an additional 50% Ron LeGrand Student Discount